Ned Young
Room 202

Welcome to Web Design II.

This course is designed to review the beginning steps of Web site design and creation, and progress deeper into layout and styling with cascading style sheets.

Students will review the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and develop strong working knowledge of CSS. There will also be a chance to learn some basic JavaScript.

This is a hands-on course that requires time to fulfill all class project objectives. In order to succeed, students may have to spend time outside of class.

My website:


This is a very important life skill. Troubleshooting is the process through which one attempts to solve problems. In this class you will be solving web design problems.

Communication and submitting work:

Please email me at if you have things to discuss.

To submit a project, simply leave your finished work in replit project and click the submit button.


Due dates are on the Due Dates page. If a project isn't done, I plan to wait two school days before putting the zero in Power School.

All work submitted in this class, including content, language and images, must be school appropriate.