Due Date: Friday, 4/5/24

The goal of this project is for you to show your accumulated web design skills in a web site of your choice

This website should represent your best efforts to show your web design skills


Clear design concept


Styling for Responsive Web Design

Other CSS Styling

Cite all work that you are using that is not yours. For example, you may quote information from another source, but you need to give a citation for that source to give the creator credit. This includes written and visual work. Visit and read the "Citing Sources" links. Here's an example of how I do citations on my own web pages.

Comment all code to briefly explain what each section of code does.


Category minus 15 points minus 10 points minus 5 points Full points
Does not use table for layout Some knowledge of the box model is displayed. A really good layout is made with float, width, etc.
Uses responsive layout No responsive layout. Responsive layout attempted, but doesn't work well. Overall layout is made responsive using bootstrap classes, like col-sm-3 or whatever you choose.
Media queries Does not use media queries. Uses media queries. Has a set of media queries with standard break points. Includes at least some styling in each one.
Responsiveness Doesn't look so hot on a phone. Some things work well on a phone. Most things work well on a phone. Everything looks good and behaves well on a phone (getting around on the page, font size, image size, menu clickability)
Images No images at all Images don't shrink images shrink to fit when viewed on a phone
Creativity Student does not show basic creative effort (i.e. no addition of content, text/headers/etc) Student shows minimal creativity from base requirement (i.e adds a couple things but not much) Student shows some creativity from base requirement (i.e creates some content, text/headings/etc and some nice styling) Student goes above and beyond base requirement and shows understanding of project (i.e. additional content, styling)