Due Date: Monday, 4/1/24

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

The Bootstrap framework is perhaps the most popular tool for RWD.

Go to W3schools and read the RWD introduction.
Continue to click the "Next" button. Read through:

Start reading the next section (RWD Frameworks), but skip the first part about Using W3.CSS. Start reading again at the large heading that says "Bootstrap." When finished, you'll see "To learn more about Bootstrap, go to our Bootstrap Tutorial." Click on that.

Click "B3." From the left menu, select and read just the following two sections.

Look at the different templates and themes. Do at least 2 of the "Try-it" links and see what happens when you resize the window in each case.

One of the problems with understanding what's going on is that it uses css from " bootstrap.min.css " via a link statement. But that is public, too. So we can examine it.

Navigate to https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css and look at the file.

Search the sheet (Try using "find" on the window) for @media (min-width:. You can see that bootstrap uses media queries. What are the three "break points?"

Make a website with all new content, any topic you want. Make it responsive. All aspects of the site should look good both on phones and on desktops. Start by creating a small responsive site from a template.

Begin with the "collapsing columns" type of responsiveness shown in the first Bootstrap reading. You can copy the template given in that reading if you want, but then add your own content. Or start with one of the other templates at: First Example Template or Other Example Templates.

But that's just the "columns" thing. There are other aspects to responsiveness. Many of these can be handled with a set of media queries, that can contain any styling you want.

Include a set of media queries with standard break points.(600, 768, 992 and 1200px) Include at least some styling in each one. It can be

There are examples of these at W3Schools.


Use images and make them responsive, too. For at least some of your images, use the img-responsive class to get them to shrink when viewed on a phone. Read about that here


It is essential that you test it out on your phone. In replit, do "open in a new tab," then copy the url of the page you made and send it to yourself. One way is to paste the url into an email, make it a clickable link in the email and mail it to yourself. Then open your email on the phone and click the link. See if everything looks good and behaves well: getting around on the page, font size, image size, menu clickability, etc.

If you can find a friend who has a different type of phone or a tablet, ask them for feedback in the same way.

Make sure that:

Once it looks the way you want it to, then submit.


Category minus 15 points minus 10 points minus 5 points Full points
Uses responsive layout No responsive layout. Responsive layout attempted, but doesn't work well.. Overall layout is made responsive using bootstrap classes, like col-sm-3 or whatever you choose.
Media queries Does not use media queries. Uses media queries. Has a set of media queries with standard break points. Includes at least some styling in each one.
Responsiveness Doesn't look so hot on a phone. Some things work well on a phone. Most things work well on a phone. Everything looks good and behaves well on a phone (getting around on the page, font size, image size, menu clickability)
Images No images at all Images don't shrink images shrink to fit when viewed on a phone
Creativity Student does not show basic creative effort (i.e. no addition of content, text/headers/etc) Student shows minimal creativity from base requirement (i.e adds a couple things but not much) Student shows some creativity from base requirement (i.e creates some content, text/headings/etc and some nice styling) Student goes above and beyond base requirement and shows understanding of project (i.e. additional content, styling)