explanation video
just the slides

Watch the explanation video, above, and then consider how you could put these ideas into practice as a web designer.

Project 4: Repetition, Due date: Wednesday, 2/15/24

Choose a topic and some content that you want to use in making a well-designed web site. Use at least three repeated elements. At least one must be a small visual element like the triangles or the dots that were used as examples in the slides. Create 3 pages and use the element throughout all three. Use a single external style sheet for all your style rules.

For the other two repeated elements, you will probably already have stylistic things that are consistent across all 3 pages. Just think about it. Simply by using the same style sheet for all 3 pages you are giving them consistent colors, fonts, etc.

Choose two of those to focus on or add something new, if you want to.

In a code comment, write about how your use of repetition unites the user experience across the entire web site.

Discuss, separately, at least three things that you repeat.

When everyone has finished the assignment, each of you will tell the whole class about your three uses of repetition.

Link the 3 files together.