Due Date: optional

A short lesson

I moved this part out of "Part one," to shorten it.

Assignment 3

In this next step, we will be learning about:

When encountering errors you'll know what the types of errors you are receiving as well as where to turn to after receiving them.

Following the instructions provided within the link...

  1. Please follow what is said
  2. Write in a p tag what the difference between syntax and logic errors is.
  3. Please add a comment to explain what is happening in your own words.

Unfortunately, you encounter errors often when programming. Creating code that does precisely what you'd like to do is difficult, because it's difficult to communicate explicitly what your intentions are in any given system. Errors help point you toward faults in your logic that are preventing you from communicating your ideas properly to the computer.

Note: In general with most errors, if you copy the stack trace and put it in google you can most often reason your way out of it. As mentioned before, if you see that your code is returning a bizzare error in your developer tools- you can copy the code returned and paste it into google. Most of the time, people have encountered your problem before and fixing it only relies on simple reasoning.

Save the html file containing the javascript as: '1_3.html'.