The box model gives us a way to do layout that is more sophisticated than using a table.

explanation video

The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The <div> element is often used as a container for other HTML elements. You will need to use it for this assignment. Here is a good online resource to review and learn about how to use div:

In this assignment you will learn the box model and play with it to get a solid understanding.

Watch the explanation video above. Here's a link if you just need to review the slideshow Then go to Project 5: The Box Model in Run it.

My goal is for you to gain an understanding of how a page's layout can be controlled. Work through the following exercises slowly, trying to understand what is going on.

Still confused? I find Mozilla's Box Model Page to be a nice, clear, explanation.


Category minus 15 points minus 10 points minus 5 points Full points
General Project Requirements       A unique site was created, similar in layout to the Headfirst Lounge, but with all new content.
Lists Six or seven of the eleven items above were done. Eight or nine of the eleven items above were done. Ten or eleven of the twelve items above were done. All twelve items bulleted above above were done.
Code Quality Code doesn't run as expected and shows they did not study or understand the learning resources Code displays somewhat as expected, minimal understanding of learning resources Uses somewhat appropriate syntax and correct features. Well formatted, basic understanding of learning resources Easy to understand. Uses appropriate syntax and features to accomplish the task. Shows they studied and understood the learning resources very well
Creativity Student does not show basic creative effort (i.e. no addition of content, text/headers/etc) Student shows minimal creativity from base requirement (i.e adds a couple things but not much) Student shows some creativity from base requirement (i.e creates some content, text/headings/etc and some nice styling) Student goes above and beyond base requirement and shows understanding of project (i.e. additional content, lots of styling, etc.)