explanation video
just the slides

Preparing to work: (starting with your template)

Viewing your work:

The "Run" button in repl.it shows you how the web page gets presented to your audience.

Here is the general format for creating "internal style" rules


<style >

    p {color: sienna;}

    body {background-color: lightblue;}



How to write a style rule: CSS Syntax

I write my style rules like this to help me better organize them. I can easily find a rule to revise it when the rules are written like this:

h4 {
     font-size: 18px;
     text-align: left;
     font-style: normal;
     padding: 10px;
     font-variant: small-caps;

We can group various html elements together to give them the same style

p, li, dl {
     font-size: 12px;
     text-align: justify;
     line-height: 1.2em;
     margin: 35px;

Learn how to use the style properties listed below by studying W3schools. Look for CSS background , CSS Text, and CSS Fonts.

Project 3 - Due Date: Monday, 4/22/24:

  1. You can start by copy-pasting your template (that you made in Project 1) into the index.html file of this project, project 3.
  2. Please remember to change the title of the page in the <title> tags. You should do this for every new project.
  3. Come up with a creative idea for a web page (Funny quotes? Song lyrics?). Create some organizational/layout structure using different text-containing elements (headings, paragraphs) on the page. You don't need to use all the headings (h1, h2, etc.); choose the ones you like. Please use new content in your elements.
  4. Add style, as follows.
  5. Use each of these internal style properties at least once.
    • background color
    • text color
    • text align
    • font family
    • font size
  6. Remember, the style rules are written in the internal style section which must be inside the <head> tags.
  7. Submit your completed page in replit Project 3 as index.html.


Category minus 15 points minus 10 points minus 5 points Full points
Project Requirements Student uses 1-2 of the specified style properties and/or does not follow some instructions Student uses 3 of the specified style properties and/or does not follow some logistical instructions Student uses 4 of the specified style properties and follows all instructions Student uses all 5 specified style properties and follows all instructions
Code Quality Code doesn't run as expected and shows they did not study or understand the learning resources Code displays somewhat as expected, minimal understanding of learning resources Uses somewhat appropriate syntax and correct features. Well formatted, basic understanding of learning resources Easy to understand. Uses appropriate syntax and features to accomplish the task. Shows they studied and understood the learning resources very well
Code Style Code is very hard to read and understand, follows almost no styling guidelines, inconsistent and causes errors Code is not very readable or consistent, but follows some styling guidelines, some errors Code is fairly readable and consistent, but does not follow all styling guidelines, minimal errors Code is readable and follows all styling guidelines(style rules have their own line, indentation used well), no errors
Creativity Student does not show basic creative effort (i.e. no changes in content, text/headers/etc) Student shows minimal creativity from base requirement (i.e changes a couple parts but not most) Student shows some creativity from base requirement (i.e alters some content, text/headers/etc but not all) Student goes above and beyond base requirement and shows understanding of project (i.e. additional content, styling, text, headers)