explanation video
Visit these color resources on the internet, read through them, explore the tools and consider how you could put these ideas into practice as a web designer.
- Color Scheme Generator (Palleton)
- Coolors.co Color Picker
- Complimentary Colors
- Simultaneous Contrast
- CSS Color Tutorial
- 40 Web Site Color Schemes
- Meanings of Colors
- What Colors Mean: How do they affect us?
- The Dimensions of Color: Simultaneous Contrast
The Color Assignment, Due date: Wednesday, 5/1/24
Create 3 pages and explore 3 different color schemes based on some color ideas you may have just discovered while visiting the color resources listed here. Give each of the 3 pages a different color scheme from the other two. Link all 3 pages together.
One way to create a block of color is to set the background-color attribute of a p element (or an h1, h2, h3, etc.).
Think about your color schemes.
Will they attract an audience, put them to sleep or make them shudder?
What do you want your website to do for the audience and how does
color fit into the design?
For each page, show off the skills you have developed on previous assignments. Choose a topic for the page(s). Create lots of content, so you and I can easily see the colors you have chosen. Before turning them in, look at them, with all the images, blocks of color and text they contain, and ask whether the colors work well together. If not, change them until you are happy that you've made them the best they can be.
Link the 3 files together like you did in the last assignment.