1. What is a good Background?
- Like a good referee in a sporting event, a good background should go unnoticed.
- If the audience is noticing the BG (background) too much, then they are not really seeing the content of the page.
- If you have a good image and you want the audience to notice it, don't make it the background, but you can still include it as an "image." More on that later.
- Representational images are things that people recognize. They represent something we know: a person, a mountain, a cloud, a bicycle, things like that.
- Representational images do not work very well as BG images because the audience gets drawn into thinking about and looking at the image they recognize and don't really see what in the foreground.
- Check out this BG. What do you think?
- What is the point of having a website if the audience is too busy looking at the BG?
- How about this one? Is it improved?
- A BG image "tiles" (repeats), so think about whether the image you want to use will tile well.
2. good background resources:
3. Local storage of images is preferred
- If you feel comfortable moving files around, it is best to download each image onto your computer and then upload it to the repl.it project.
- To download an image, right click on it as select "Save Picture As."
- Pay attention to where it is saving it.
- In the repl.it project, you can use the "Upload file" feature, found in the 3 dots icon.
- Alternatively, you can use the url of the image's original internet location.
- However, when you do that, you are depending on that website to keep the image appearing on your site.
- In professional web design, that's not a chance you want to take.
- In this class, however, it is fine to use either the uploaded file or the url.
4. Body Background-image Property
Background Tiling
Set a background image using CSS. If the image is smaller than the browser window, the image will repeat itself until it fills the entire browser window. If you don't like how it looks, study the W3Schools information on styling backgrounds to learn how to better control the image.